Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"The Cove" - A Controversial Film

Have you seen the documentary movie, "The Cove"? Probably not, as few people in Japan have seen it. It's about the annual dolphin hunt in Taiji, Japan. Recently, this movie has been in the news in Japan because some theaters wanted to show the movie, as it was famous and popular abroad, and it was about Japan. However, supporters of the dolphin hunt, especially some right-wing groups, wanted to ban the showing of this movie. They said it was anti-Japanese, among other reasons.

When some groups protested the showing of the movie, the theaters at first gave in and decided not to show it. Later, some of them changed their mind, as it became clear that the right to watch or not watch the movie was a "freedom of information" issue.

However you feel about the hunting of whales or dolphins, it's easy to agree that this movie can be a source of many opinions. In Essay Writing class, we are writing about our opinions of various topics.

What follows is a list of some opinions about "The Cove" and the hunting of dolphins.

 “The Cove” is not fair to Japanese.
 People in Japan should have the freedom to watch any movie they want to.
 Eating whale and dolphin is an important Japanese tradition that should be preserved.
 Dolphin meat is full of toxic mercury and should not be eaten by anyone, especially children
 People from other countries kill animals for food, so it’s normal that Japanese kill dolphins.
 If killing dolphins is OK, then the people of Taiji should not try to hide their dolphin hunt.
 People who watch and support this movie are being fooled by anti-Japanese people.
 It’s important to see a movie before judging it.
 The way this movie was made was illegal; the film-makers lied about their purpose.
 The dolphin hunters in Taiji lie about the safety of dolphin meat to protect their industry.
 People who are against this movie are actually giving it more publicity.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Coveを見た外国人の多くは、日本人はなんてひどいことをするんだろうと思うと思います。イルカやくじらは可愛いし、それらをとても大切にしている国があることも知っています。だから外国人に反対されることは仕方の無いことだと思います。しかし、日本でこの映画の上映を禁止するのは間違っていると思いました。外国には外国の文化があるように、日本にも日本独自の文化があります。いろいろな見方があり、いろいろな意見があることも当然のことです。そして私はこの映画を見てみたいと思いました。それなのに、自分たちの立場を守ろうとして上映を禁止するなんて馬鹿げていると思います、。

  3. I think that killing dolphins is not bad. Because We are killing a lot of animals and eating there. For example, cows, pigs, birds, fishes...etc. We can't specially see a dolphin alone in a lot of animals. If we say killing dolphins is bad, we can't eat anything. I think it is necessary for us to live that we kill the animals. But we never forget the gratitude to them.

  4. Dolphin hunt is bad because we don't eat it. I think it's contents is good. But this movies producers were bad action to filming. The Cove is Good movie but stuff is no good.

  5. I think it is important to watch any movies before judging them. "The Cove" is a movie which brought very controversial issues to all over the world. Many people in Japan have tried to ban watching the movie, but is it right? Many foreigner criticized Japanese for hunting dolphins. However, people in Japan actually do not know about some Japanese people are hunting dolphins well. In order to ponder the issues, we need to watch it before judging and blaming what they are doing.

  6. People from other countries kill animals for food, so it’s normal that Japanese kill dolphins.

    I'm not sure about this movies. beacause In Japan eat horses meat too. why they just forcus on dolphins? people think dolphin has intelligent and cute? but hores has intelligent too. I think this problem is one's sense of value and religion.

  7. I thik that Japan stop the hunting of whales or dolphins. Japan has received the criticism in all over the world. If Japan continue to hunting, Japan may stand alone in the world. And dolphin meat is full of toxic mercury, it is danger to eat it. In addition, there are many problems. SO Japan have to think about the hunting of whales or dolphins more careful consideration.

  8. the coveとゆう映画は日本人が悪いとゆうふうにうつってしまうかもしれないけど、見る見ないは個人の自由だと思う。わたしはこの文を読んで、the cove とゆう映画を見てみたいと思った。 タイジの人はイルカの肉を安全であるとウソをついていたり、イルカを捕っていることを隠したりしているのは絶対にしてはいけないことだと感じた。

  9. I wonder some of people wanted to ban watching "The Cove". If the movie has some problems, we had better watch the movie and we must think about the movie. It is we that judge whether the movie is good or not.

  10. I think Japan shouldn't hunt dolphines. Because we shouldn't hunt animals treat cruelly. Animals are as good as alive with human. we should save dolphines. So I don't forgive treat cruelly.

  11. Hi guys. I notice there are some comments written in Japanese by some of my students. I'm glad that you have an opinion, but for the purpose of this Essay Writing class, comments should be in English. In class I said you could research Japanese sites to get more background information, but I didn't mean you should write comments in Japanese. Anyway, please rewrite your comments in English and re-post. Thanks!

  12. I think that dolphin killed is bad. A pretty animals killed is very cruel. I'm intresting "The cove". I want towatch it.
    The moviwe shoudn't be ban.

  13. I think that The Cove watcehd foreigner were feel bad. It is nature. Dolphin and whale are very pretty. But, foreign countries have their culture like Japan has own culture.So there are different view. It is nature. So I think that ban the showing of this movie is bad. This movie should show Japanese.


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